Astrotheraphy in English
regular sessions for achieving confidence, abundance, love and success
Описание на услугата
Astrotherapy can only be booked only after a Full astrological reading and after we agree to work with each other. Astrotherapy is an opportunity for in-depth work, consisting of methodical meetings for the purpose of personal development and problem-solving (online or live). I offer you the opportunity to work long-term together by identifying problem areas in your life and setting goals for development. Examples: - career: finding and following a vocation, achieving job satisfaction, changing jobs and climbing the hierarchy, creating and developing a business; self-presentation; - love: what kind of person am I as a partner, steps towards finding the right person for me, building healthy relationships and maintaining them; sex, marriage, children, marital problems with parents and relatives; - building confidence, developing talents, expressing emotions, dealing with fears and anger, healthy lifestyle, and nutrition. In my practice, I have come across many cases. In addition to astrology, my interests in psychotherapy and coaching contribute to my ability to help my clients deal with difficulties and frustrations in their lives.
Данни за контакт
ul. "Golo Bardo" 20, Sofia, Bulgaria
+ +359 887 20 9559
Sofia, Bulgaria